Tom Linney
ACT Radio HostTom Linney works with the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) Animal Law Program and is on the board of Pets Alive-El Paso. Among other duties, Tom is responsible for developing and marketing ALDF’s Animal Law Pro Bono Program to interested firms and attorneys and for helping students transition from law student to legal professional. He also provides support to professionals interested in teaching animal law and collaborates with ALDF’s Litigation and Criminal Justice Program to assign appropriate pro bono counsel to ALDF projects and cases.
While in law school, Tom worked for Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, the Texas Legislative Council, and an animal law attorney. He served as legislative intern for the Texas Humane Legislation Network researching and drafting legislation to promote the humane treatment of animals. Tom has also worked for a state senator, a county judge and an in-house counsel for a federal agency.
Liz Walsh and Tom Linney have a conversation with Brandon Kiem, journalist specializing in science, nature, and animals, and author of the book Meet the Neighbors: Animal Minds and Life in a More-Than-Human World.
Liz Walsh and Tom Linney have a conversation with Richard Joel Miller, professor of Pharmacology and author of the book “The Rise and Fall of Animal Experimentation: Empathy, Science and the Future of Research”.
Tom and Liz have a conversation with Dr. Jennifer Jacquet about recent efforts to start raising octopuses on farms for food, and the many animal welfare, environmental and human health concerns associated with this type of industrial aquaculture facility.
Tom Linney and Liz Walsh have a conversation with Lauren Toyota, author of Vegan Comfort Classics: 101 Recipes to Feed Your Face.
Hosts Liz and Tom talk with Dr. David M. Peña-Guzmán, co-host of the philosophy podcast Overthink and author of When Animals Dream: The Hidden World of Animal Consciousness, about the behavioral and neuroscientific research on animal sleep.
On Animal Concerns of Texas, Liz and Tom talk with writer and director Adam Peditto, about the recently released film Common Enemy, a powerful documentary that examines the vibrant yet often-overlooked rural communities in Oklahoma suffering at the hands of corporate factory farming, and how people are fighting back.
Tom and Liz have a conversation with Gloria Pancrazi. On the show, she discusses her work to save Orcas. She has volunteered with organizations that were fighting against the extinction of Orcas.
On Animal Concerns of Texas, Liz and Tom talk with author, international speaker, and food tech leader Jenny Stojkovic, about the future of food and the role that women play in tech and food systems.
On ACT Radio, Liz and Tom talk with Philip Lymbery, author of several books on global animal welfare reforms and Global Chief Executive of Compassion in World Warming.
On Animal Concerns of Texas, Liz and Tom talk with writer Keith Akers about vegetarianism in early Christianity, and how Jesus Christ sought to extend compassion towards all living beings.