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Fall Desert Tree Care

Arely Avitia (FloraFest 2024)
Chilopsis linearis 'Bubba Jones.'
‘Bubba Jones’ is a spectacular hybrid of two beloved Desert Willows that exhibits the best prominent features of both parent plants. It’s fast growing and low seed with large, deep green, glossy leaves like ‘Bubba’ and overall shape, height, and flower color of ‘Warren Jones’. For more information about UTEP's Chihuahuan Desert Gardens, click here.

On this week’s Good to Grow, hosts Denise, Jan and John will talk about different varieties of desert trees that can be planted in our region and how to care for them during the fall season. Desert Willow, Chinese Pistache, True Chinese Elm, and many other beautiful and strong desert trees that can provide nice shade will be mentioned along with some tips on how to care for them year-round. Explore these and more fall dessert tree care recommendations in this week’s edition of Good to Grow and stay tuned for the next episode!

The El Paso County Master Gardeners started in 1981 and has been growing with many volunteers and Master Gardeners ever since. The love of gardening and search for knowledge are primary reasons people join the program to become trained and certified Master Gardeners. Texas Master Gardeners are united in name, but the program’s strength lies in its ability to meet the diverse needs of the communities it serves.

For more information visit the El Paso County Master Gardeners website for questions, tips and upcoming calendar events.

This program originally aired on October 19, 2024.

Denise S. Rodriguez, County Administrator and Horticulture Extension Agent, is an El Paso native who earned her BS and MS in Horticulture at New Mexico State University. Denise previously worked at the AgriLife Research Center at El Paso where she was part of a research team focusing on determining the drought and salt tolerance of low water use plants in urban horticulture. She has tailored her home gardens to be kid friendly in hopes of inspiring her own children to engage in gardening.
Jan Petrzelka is a voluntter host on Good To grow on Saturdays at 11:15 AM. She is a Master Gardner with the Texas A&M Extension service and conducts workshops on gardening.
John White is a co-host of Good To Grow on KTEP and a curator of the Chihuahua Desert Garden at the University of Texas at El Paso. John is a professional Horticulturist and earned his Masters of Science in Horticulture from New Mexico State University.
Arely Avitia manages website content, graphic design and is part of the student outreach team. She works with audio producers to update production archives and news content, as well as maintain reporting for music licensing.