UTEP College of Health Sciences
Host Louie Saenz welcomes Dr. Brandon M. Merritt of the College of Health Sciences and the Department of Rehabilitation Science to talk about gender expression and mental health.
Dr. Brendon M. Merritt worked as a speech pathologist for almost ten years before pursuing his research degree. His rich portfolio is centered on gender diversity and speech communication. His questions focus on how people use the way they speak to communicate gender identity, how listeners use speech characteristics to judge speakers’ genders, and why listeners sometimes differ in judgments about a speaker’s gender.
Additional Information/Links:
- For more information on Dr. Brandon M. Merritt visit: https://hb2504.utep.edu/Home/Profile?username=bmmerritt
- For more information on BLOOM visit: @bloom.el.paso
bloom.elpaso.eventbrite.com - You can also email: bloomelpaso@gmail.com
This interview originally aired on April 31, 2023.