Oct 17 Thursday
Become a Certified PK-12 Teacher at UTEP!
UTEP's Alternative Certification Program (ACP) is a pathway for those who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher and are seeking certification to teach in PK-12 classrooms. Info session attendees will hear a detailed overview of program admission requirements, support structure, residency pathways, fees, funding opportunities, and the opportunity to earn an MA in Education along with teacher certification.
EPQA meets the third Thursday monthly from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (set-up 6:00 PM) at St. Paul's Methodist Church, 7000 Edgemere Blvd., El Paso, Texas 79925 (Eastside). This is the original guild that started in El Paso, May 1982. Members come from El Paso and surrounding areas in the Borderland. Business meeting includes Show & Tell, different types of drawings and activities, break for snacks/drinks/social time before Show & Tell. We have a yearly Opportunity Quilt as a fundraiser. Guests are welcomed. Workshops are held the Saturday after the Thursday meeting from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (set-up 8:30 AM). Workshops are taught by members or guest instructors. More details at Thursday meetings. Facebook Page: El Paso Quilters' Guild - EPQA Contact: Janet, Publicity, email jsw79904@yahoo.com
Oct 24 Thursday
55 and Better: What is it? Saturday, October 24 at 10 a.m.
Join us at the Magoffin Home Visitor Center for our new program series. We will display and pass around unidentified photos and objects and ask our more experienced audience to tell us anything they can about them. This will be a bilingual program with hearing assistance offered. Photos will be displayed on the TV and offered as printouts. Accommodations will be made for caretakers. Light and healthy refreshments will be served. This event will take place every fourth Saturday of the month at 10 a.m.
Feb 20 Thursday
Mar 20 Thursday
Apr 17 Thursday
May 10 Saturday
Paso del Norte Quilt Guild meets the 2nd Saturday of the month from 10 AM – 2 PM at St. Mark’s Methodist Church, 5005 Love Rd, El Paso, Texas 79922 (Westside). Business meeting with Show & Tell, different types of drawings, quilt challenge, snacks and social time. Programs are also held throughout the year. Guests welcomed. Contact linda.bingham@gmail.com
May 15 Thursday
Jun 19 Thursday
Jul 17 Thursday