Welcome to ACT Radio -- Animal Concerns of Texas, with co-hosts Elizabeth Walsh, and Tom Linney. Every second and fourth Sunday evening at 7:30, we offer a unique program that focuses on animals, and related issues such as vegetarianism and the environment. You can listen to past shows that include host Greg Lawson, who passed away in November 2022.
Everyone loves animals, and yet animals are the most helpless and victimized members of the living community. We believe with Gandhi that "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
Most people have no idea the horrors our animal friends undergo in zoos, circuses, rodeos, experimental laboratories, and factory farms and slaughterhouses. Through the airwaves and elsewhere, we seek to be a voice for the voiceless and to promote change through education and expanding awareness and compassion.
We discuss the ways our society exploits animals, and how drastically this abuse affects human interests concerning health, the environment, and our level of connectedness to life. We offer new visions for how to heal the breaches in our social world and in our relation to the natural world. We believe that animal liberation is the next great liberation movement on this planet, and that by promoting respect for nonhuman animals, we are advancing human moral evolution.
ACT brings you the latest news about animals, from local concerns to global issues, from vegetarianism to animal rights activism. We also feature lively interviews with people involved in the animal welfare and animal rights movements, from local folks to well-known figures who work toward the same goal of promoting a New Enlightenment in our relations with other species.
Liz Walsh and Tom Linney have a conversation with Brandon Kiem, journalist specializing in science, nature, and animals, and author of the book Meet the Neighbors: Animal Minds and Life in a More-Than-Human World.
Liz Walsh and Tom Linney have a conversation with Richard Joel Miller, professor of Pharmacology and author of the book “The Rise and Fall of Animal Experimentation: Empathy, Science and the Future of Research”.
Tom and Liz have a conversation with Dr. Jennifer Jacquet about recent efforts to start raising octopuses on farms for food, and the many animal welfare, environmental and human health concerns associated with this type of industrial aquaculture facility.
Tom Linney and Liz Walsh have a conversation with Lauren Toyota, author of Vegan Comfort Classics: 101 Recipes to Feed Your Face.
Hosts Liz and Tom talk with Dr. David M. Peña-Guzmán, co-host of the philosophy podcast Overthink and author of When Animals Dream: The Hidden World of Animal Consciousness, about the behavioral and neuroscientific research on animal sleep.
On Animal Concerns of Texas, Liz and Tom talk with writer and director Adam Peditto, about the recently released film Common Enemy, a powerful documentary that examines the vibrant yet often-overlooked rural communities in Oklahoma suffering at the hands of corporate factory farming, and how people are fighting back.
Tom and Liz have a conversation with Gloria Pancrazi. On the show, she discusses her work to save Orcas. She has volunteered with organizations that were fighting against the extinction of Orcas.
On this edition of ACT Radio we revisit an interview with Dr. Michaell Greger. He will be in El Paso to give a talk titled “How Not To Age” which is based on his book.
It's no secret that plant-based meat alternatives are on the rise and a wide variety of new and innovative products are being created every year to meet the growing demand. On Animal Concerns of Texas, Liz and Tom talk with Jenny Goldfarb, Founder and CEO of Unreal Deli.
On Animal Concerns of Texas, Liz and Tom talk with author, international speaker, and food tech leader Jenny Stojkovic, about the future of food and the role that women play in tech and food systems.